Monday, May 2, 2011

Sewing, Sewing, Gone.

Yesterday I sold my sewing machine, and I'll be sad to see it go. With that being said though, I am so excited to go shopping for a new one! So of course the excitement has made my mind wander to my dream sewing room. I found a few rooms and products that made my mouth water, but for now I guess I'll have to stick to my tackle boxes and crates.



Sarah said...

I love the last picture of all the thread. I wish I knew how to sew =)

Anonymous said...

You can sew! Buy an inexpensive machine and get a lesson or two. At first, just sew straight seams. You can make easy curtains. As you accomplish the simple things, you can then attempt more difficult tasks...but most of all, you'll be able to say..."I can sew"!!