Sunday, September 20, 2009

solitude on a sunday night.

After a busy day at work this evening I popped open a Magic Hat Circus Boy (the hefeweizen, which is probably my favorite of the magic hats) and the bottle cap said "The answer is inside you." It's somewhat sad it came from a beer bottle cap, but it was refreshing to read, and I didn't know it until I did read it, but it is what I needed to hear. Thanks magic hat!

On a very different note, I began packing up my room today. I'll be sad to leave this apartment (despite the mice). It's such a cute apartment, and has a huge bathroom. However, I'm excited to move into something that I can feel more at home in. I look forward to not having to tip-toe around in fear that I will piss off my landlord living below me (and I won't have to hear his dog bark anymore). We're throwing down our deposit tomorrow, and then hopefully we can begin moving in almost immediately. I'm excited to have off street parking, a garage, a new washer and dryer, a fire place, a dishwasher and garbage disposal again (yay!), and a wall painted with chalk board paint! Oh, and a giant porch. Okay, I'm just really stoked for the house in general.

I'm looking forward to this coming Saturday, it's my cousin's wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing some family I haven't seen since Christmas (like my Grandpa), and seeing my dad. I haven't seen him in almost a month, which is the longest I have gone without seeing him in years. Work and school are taking up too much of my time.

Yesterday I went thrift shopping, I bought an old school science in the elementary class book, a purse, and a really pretty scarf. Grand total: $2.94. You can't beat that! Oh, and it was some church thrift store so they threw in a little book in hopes to guide me to follow the word of the lord. No thanks.

This is quite the ramble, I'm going to finish my beer and make some flash cards for my geology test on Thursday. Gotta love studying! Wish me luck.



Courtney J. said...

Miss you! Hope the house is purdy and that you enjoy living there! I'm proud of your thrift shopping purchases... pat on the back to you Liesi Cross.

Liesi said...

Haha thanks courtney! I'm always down for some thrift shopping...does that exist in France?