Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Into the Wild"

"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed."

If you are currently looking for a new novel, I suggest Into the Wild. It's an easy, enjoyable, and thought provoking read. Check it out!

Once I finish I'm going to begin reading The Happiness Project written by Gretchen Rubin. My friend Courtney was gracious enough to give me a copy (and a nice note!) today. I already have an ever growing list of books to read, but I'm always looking for suggestions, so let me know if you have any must reads! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 Days, day two.

Last night Bryan and I were watching the television show "30 Days," the episode was called "Binge Drinking Mom." The idea behind the show is that someone goes into living a lifestyle that is opposite of theirs for 30 days, this is either to experience others thought processes, or in the case of "Binge Drinking Mom," to prove a point. So, this mom starts to binge drink as a college student to show her 19 year old daughter was she is doing to herself. She must do this four nights a week, and have at least four drinks in two hours. Needless to say, there was a lot of throwing up and hangovers.

So while watching this episode, Bryan and I decided to do 30 Days of no drinking (not including my birthday, though!). It's not that I drink a lot, I normally only do one day or sometimes two times a week. I would just like to see how differently my body feels, and how my energy changes without a drunken night throughout the week. I want to be the best person that I can be, and show that to others. So here is to day two of bettering myself even further!

If you have not seen 30 Days, it is on Netflix instant streaming. Check it out!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

sunday funday.

This past week I have been able to kick back, and really enjoy my days to their full potential. Dancing, picnics, walks, cheap drinks, good conversations, new and old faces, thrift shopping, movies, and bike rides. Bryan and I also put a bunch of our useless furniture up in the attic, and a bunch of other random items we never use. Our apartment is already feeling so much more spacious, but I want to do more! We also got a hanging lamp for our living area, so now the room actually gets lit up. Oh the joy of the little things! :) So, what's to come this week? Hopefully more of the same and then some.

My most blissful moment of the past week?
 also this was a fantastically fun afternoon and evening:

Enjoy your week, and I'll do the same!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another weekend, came and went.

On Wednesday Bryan and I made the decision to backpack across the country this time next year. He will be done with school, I will at least be done with my associates by then, so it seems like a moment when we won't really have anything holding us back. The both of us (I think especially me) are so excited. So now the saving, and preparing begins. After that where will we end up? Who knows. I think that is the beauty of it, the mystery.

Yesterday we went to a park, climbed around on some trees, had a picnic, and played some chess. Today we went on a hike through some woods, and around some sand dunes. Over all, it was a great weekend. The fresh air was therapeutic. I started a new needle point that I'm very excited about as well. It's a cute little mushroom :)

Back to Monday tomorrow, but at least I will have these moments of bliss to remember from the weekend:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Round up

This week has consisted of relaxation, creativity, discussion, and no stress. My only wish is that I had a good April Fools prank, but I am no prankster. I got a new bike yesterday, and I'm excited to get it all fixed up and go for rides! I think we are putting new breaks on it tomorrow, and I have to get a new basket :)

Any exciting plans for the weekend?