Sunday, April 17, 2011

sunday funday.

This past week I have been able to kick back, and really enjoy my days to their full potential. Dancing, picnics, walks, cheap drinks, good conversations, new and old faces, thrift shopping, movies, and bike rides. Bryan and I also put a bunch of our useless furniture up in the attic, and a bunch of other random items we never use. Our apartment is already feeling so much more spacious, but I want to do more! We also got a hanging lamp for our living area, so now the room actually gets lit up. Oh the joy of the little things! :) So, what's to come this week? Hopefully more of the same and then some.

My most blissful moment of the past week?
 also this was a fantastically fun afternoon and evening:

Enjoy your week, and I'll do the same!

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