Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 Days, day two.

Last night Bryan and I were watching the television show "30 Days," the episode was called "Binge Drinking Mom." The idea behind the show is that someone goes into living a lifestyle that is opposite of theirs for 30 days, this is either to experience others thought processes, or in the case of "Binge Drinking Mom," to prove a point. So, this mom starts to binge drink as a college student to show her 19 year old daughter was she is doing to herself. She must do this four nights a week, and have at least four drinks in two hours. Needless to say, there was a lot of throwing up and hangovers.

So while watching this episode, Bryan and I decided to do 30 Days of no drinking (not including my birthday, though!). It's not that I drink a lot, I normally only do one day or sometimes two times a week. I would just like to see how differently my body feels, and how my energy changes without a drunken night throughout the week. I want to be the best person that I can be, and show that to others. So here is to day two of bettering myself even further!

If you have not seen 30 Days, it is on Netflix instant streaming. Check it out!


Kenny Porter said...

I've stopped drinking for the most part, purely out of not being interested in it anymore. I feel pretty snazzy now.

Liesi said...

I'm looking forward to it! I also am not feeling as interested in it, as well. What will be interesting is to see how many of my friendships change, or stay the same once a bottle is taken out of the picture.

Courtney J. said...

What a good idea! I didn't drink for a long while, and now I just like.. I mean... LOVE wine in the evening. 1 or 2 glasses with dinner! Can you tell I lived in France? lol But even if I have 3 glasses I can tell that I feel crappier the next day and it is not enjoyable at all! Let us know how it's always fun to do experiments on yourself

Liesi said...

Wine in the evening is the perfect beverage to go along with dinner! And I will keep you all updated, I'm thinking that after this 30 Day challenge is done with I want to try for another challenge, and see where they all can take me. So I'm up for suggestions for the next one, perhaps vegan diet? Maybe that's too easy and too close to what I do already, though.

Courtney J. said...

I think going vegan is a great idea! I'm a big believer in baby steps. Taking on too much is daunting! You could try it, and maybe make a promise to yourself to cook one meal a day by scratch or something if you want a bigger challenge! I like this idea... I think I'm going to do 30 day challenges to change some habits one at a time. They say that's how long it takes!

Maddalena said...
